Welcome! All of our whole foods are now shipped in certified home compostable packaging, liquids will be packaged in glass jars.

Ulu Hye Mylk Base
Ulu Hye Mylk Base
Ulu Hye Mylk Base
Ulu Hye Mylk Base
Ulu Hye Mylk Base
Ulu Hye Mylk Base

Ulu Hye Mylk Base

Regular price $0.00 $29.95 Sale

A concentrated paste to make fresh, homemade, creamy  non dairy mylk in 4 different flavours. These  mylk bases use the highest quality, organic ingredients, to create a paste that makes a huge 10L of mylk at $2.99 a litre! Raw, vegan, paleo, gluten free, refined sugar free and soy free. Just add 1-2 tablespoons to a litre of water and blend.


To make mylk: Simply blend 1.5-2 tbsp of Mylk Base along with 1000mls of water, on high, for 1 minute. Transfer to glass jar or bottle, chill then serve! If you would like to make less or more mylk, just adjust quantity of the base to the ratio of water used. Shake before pouring as contents may settle.

To make a smoothie: Add a teaspoon of Mylk Base, directly to your blender, along with your smoothie ingredients, 250ml water and blend, allowing you to make your mylk and smoothie at the same time.

storage and life of mylk:

  • Storing Mylk Base jar - if you want to extend shelf life, or you live in a warm & tropical climate, store your jar in the fridge. Fridge-stored Mylk Base can harden, so a high-powered blender is recommended. 
  • Mylk Base shelf life once jar opened - refer to best before sticker. Consuming the jar within 2 months of opening is advised. 
  • Blended Mylk shelf life - once you make your Mylk from the base, it will last approx. 3-4 days. Shake before pouring.

NUT MYLK BASE - raw cashews*, raw almonds*, raw macadamias*, mesquite*, arrowroot*, macrobiotic sea salt.
sunflower seeds**, hemp seeds**, MCT oil*, mesquite*, arrowroot*, macrobiotic sea salt.
raw almonds**,  mesquite*, arrowroot*, macrobiotic sea salt.
raw hazelnuts*, arrowroot*, lucuma*, mesquite*, macrobiotic sea salt.
(*Australian Certified Organic, **Insecticide Free)